Video Production Services | Business Marketer
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Marketing Video Production

Inspire, influence, excite and impress

With the potential to increase conversion rates by 80%, it is not surprising that 92% of marketers consider video to be an essential component of their overall marketing strategy. People now prefer to hit play and observe everything they require at one wonderful location rather than reading long papers or searching for explanations.

We at Business Marketer provide a wide range of marketing-related video production alternatives, all of which are developed and created in-house. Our video professionals offer advanced resources that are employed by big-name organizations, from producing elaborate videos with 3D elements to short TikToks.

01 High-end animated video production

In terms of how people view your business and your product, the quality of an animated video is quite important. You should believe us when we suggest that this approach pays off. It entails developing a storyline, storyboard, design, animation, and sound, all in a brief. With the correct narration, these movies have the potent capacity to take a complicated topic and transform it into a delightful and interesting asset that lasts less than 90 seconds.

02 Awesome app preview videos

Take control of the app stores with films that awe viewers, convert effortlessly, and amplify your efforts to optimize conversion. These films are subject to severe restrictions and must adhere to the app stores' policies and guidelines. To ensure rapid acceptance and maximum ASO exposure, we produce stunning ASO videos that are built to convert and fully compatible with app store requirements.

03 Killer Campaign videos

Create the ideal cross-platform campaigns, from social media like Facebook and Instagram to show and banner ads online, that operate together throughout a user's trip. These campaigns include a variety of different types of videos in various formats, each with a unique message tailored to meet a particular purpose.

04 Spectacular TikTok videos

TikTok is used by 38% of mobile users every month; the percentage rises when looking at younger groups. However, you must create TikToks rather than a video commercial if you want to have an impact on TikTok. TikTok consumers generally dislike commercials because the platform is so authentic and organic; as a result, you need to make incredibly strong movies that come across as honest. We are TikTok gurus and have access to one of the largest networks of producers in the world, allowing us to produce films that are organic, unfiltered, and powerful.

05 Inspiring “How to” videos

Everyone enjoys watching a good "how to" video where a subject is deconstructed and clearly explained. We are specialists in all types of "how to" videos, including tutorials, instructional videos, and DIY manuals with educational material.

06 Amazing corporate videos

Putting your best foot forward with a corporate video that presents a compelling picture of your company's true nature. People may relate to your business, vision, and mission through a successful corporate film while receiving a personalized touch that leaves a lasting impression.

07 Powerful personal branding / live action videos

Authentic video stories given by actual people are among the most authoritative types of information. The biggest influencer is social proof, and personal branding films provide you the chance to highlight the amazing individual who is working behind the lens.

Let’s talk

Growing together is so much faster!

The marketing video production process

01 Script

The difficulty at this point is that there is always a lot to say! Our objective is to present all pertinent facts concisely.We begin with a conversation during which the client and one of our copywriters discuss the needs, key messaging, and precise objectives.Then we start brainstorming and generate original ideas. After editing these concepts, we offer a script. The main point of the video and the most crucial action is this. This process begins after the client gives his or her approval.

02 Concept & storyboard

To visualize the flow and the scenes of the video, we built a storyboard. To provide a more accurate representation of the finished output, the source document is overlaid with a timeline.

03 Design, shooting & editing

The part that's fun is now! Now we start making the actual video. Depending on the concept, we either design each shot individually or start fresh, making sure every shot and frame is developed, edited, and polished to perfection.

04 Animation

The part that's fun is now! Now we start making the actual video. Depending on the concept, we either design each shot individually or start fresh, making sure every shot and frame is developed, edited, and polished to perfection.

05 Voice-over, music, and sound effects

The essence of the video can be found in this step. It enables us to benefit from the power of video by giving a video life and body.

The marketing video production process



The difficulty at this point is that there is always a lot to say! Our objective is to present all pertinent facts concisely.We e video and the most crucial action is this. This process begins after the client gives his or her approval.begin with a conversation during which the client and one of our copywriters discuss the needs, key messaging, and precise objectives.Then we start brainstorming and generate original ideas. After editing these concepts, we offer a script.


Concept & storyboard

To visualize the flow and the scenes of the video, we built a storyboard. To provide a more accurate representation of the finished output, the source document is overlaid with a timeline.


Design, shooting & editing

The part that's fun is now! Now we start making the actual video. Depending on the concept, we either design each shot individually or start fresh, making sure every shot and frame is developed, edited, and polished to perfection.



The part that's fun is now! Now we start making the actual video. Depending on the concept, we either design each shot individually or start fresh, making sure every shot and frame is developed, edited, and polished to perfection.


Voice-over, music, and sound effects

The essence of the video can be found in this step. It enables us to benefit from the power of video by giving a video life and body.

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